4 Tips for Your First Play Based Therapy Session

tips and tricks Oct 13, 2021

We know that the idea of starting something new can be daunting and overwhelming! Often anxiety sets in and holds us back from trying an idea we have heard of and are excited about. We do not want that to be the case for your desire to start using a play-based therapy approach with your caseload! That's where the passion and inspiration of our Play Based Speech Therapy Course came from. We take you through what play based speech therapy is and how to do it step-by-step leaving you empowered and confident on where and how to start! 

We wanted to share with you a little inside scoop to one of the many modules we have in the course by providing you with 4 Tips For Your First Play Based Therapy Session!

1) Start with familiar toys/games. We highly encourage you to use something you've used or played with before to introduce play based therapy strategies in your session.

2) Choose a student that will be receptive. Don't begin your first play based session with your hardest student. Choose a student you know well and will be receptive so you aren't juggling too many responsibilities at once. 

3) Choose a goal you are comfortable with. Decide what goal you want to target using a specific toy or game you own. 

4) Start small! You can begin by having one of your activities play based within your session rather than planning all of them at once. This allows you to trial different play based activities along side therapy you are already familiar with. 

Wanting to know more about play based speech therapy? Visit our website www.playbasedspeechtherapycourse.com for more information and details on future course launches!

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