5 Tips for Making Books Playful

Books are such a powerful tool for speech therapy and provide SO many opportunities for speech and language skills to be taught, practiced and developed. If you have been following us for awhile now, you know that we love using books in our speech therapy sessions! Here are some easy ways to take your own books and make them more interactive and playful with your caseload!

1. Use Interactive Books

Books with textures, pictures, accompanying pieces, or flaps. 

2. Pair Books with Toys

Toys provide an awesome way to role play the story during or after reading the story. They are great for story retell and keeping busy hands engaged while reading the story.

3. Use Sound Books

Use books with silly sounds, silly names, or silly sound effects!

4. Use Different Voices

Different voices and volumes grab the child's interest and increases engagement as you read the story together.

5. YOU are Key

Remember - Your excitement will increase engagement! YOU are what makes something playful!

Looking for more practical & effective play based strategies you can implement into your speech therapy sessions right away? Be sure to check out our website and sign up for our email list for future freebies and announcements regarding our Ultimate Play Based Speech Therapy Course! 

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