"When I was getting observed at my school, my Supervisor was so impressed how I targeted. every single IEP goal with one toy. I could do that because of the skills I learned from this course! My prep time has decreased and I feel confident heading into every session!"
"I recently started my private practice and want to make play based therapy my NICHE after taking your course. It’s truly the knowledge that has been missing my from therapy toolbox and I just cannot thank you two enough for sharing your knowledge with the world."

"So many things!! I love how practical the information was - as much as theoretical concepts are helpful, it isn't often there are courses that walk you through therapy approaches, and this was all practical. I loved the case studies and all the different ideas for goals that can be addressed with so many different tools."
"The course sparked so many new ideas and creativity in me and has changed my therapy style for the better! I am more confident in using play in therapy and have so many tools from the course that made it easy to implement. I’m eager to share this course with others because it has been invaluable in terms of making me feel comfortable and confident using play to address speech and language goals in my sessions!"

"This course has already been a game changer in my therapy sessions, especially with young children who don't like using articulation cards! Last week one of my kiddos got 217 productions in one session using a play based format for /p/ final!"
"I have more things in my therapy room than I realized could be used for a more play based therapy approach. I also learned that taking data and using play based therapy within a group in the school setting is possible."
"I LOVED everything about the course! As a new speech-language pathologist, it taught me to be flexible when working with my clients and to use play as much as possible. The speech sound section has been a game-changer...I went from getting very little articulation trials (since some of my younger clients did not want to participate in tabletop work) to getting large trial numbers while targeting their sounds in play!"
"Goodness, where do I start – the mock therapy sessions where so insightful, just to get ideas and see how someone else does therapy is always eye opening and gives me so many ideas. I also really appreciated the section about organization, especially regarding themes! Being a home health therapist, being able to organize materials effectively and be able to tote them around is a struggle. Overall, just getting to see how y'all do therapy and incorporate play and modeling has changed how I do therapy with my older kids and my littles, and I'm so thankful for this course!!!"
"I am excited to start PLAYING! :) I feel as though I thought I was playing before this course but I was going about it the wrong way. I am excited to use the toys I have and use them in a more creative way. I have learned many strategies from this course that will making planning my sessions easier and target multiple goals in one session!!"

"Anything can be used as a toy! I'm looking forward to not being so "textbook" from grad school and using the various strategies of thinking outside of the box that I learned from the course! I truly loved everything! Anyone interested in being a pediatric SLP should take this course. Great resources and I can't wait to use them for the rest of my career!!!!"
"I used to be very traditional in my therapy activities (flash cards etc.), but now I feel equipped to target my goals during play activities where my targets occur naturally. The fact that this means I am working on generalization from the beginning is mind blowing. This is a game changer for me."
"I am in my 30th year as an SLP and the last 15 years where 'play based' programs have been the focus I will admit I struggled with the 'how'. Within the first module I had a lightbulb moment - all the therapy sessions I felt the most successful with followed the idea of specific targets in repetition based on the toy I was playing with! I think as SLPs we over think and feel the pressure (goals, parents, bosses and ourselves). What I love about your course is (well everything!) but the concrete examples and support materials rock. I think a new grad would have a major advantage with this information under their belt and for the dinosaurs like me it gives reassurance and wonderful new ideas to pop me out of some ruts :)"
"I learned how beautiful, fun, and natural play can be when implemented into my sessions! I have started implementing little tips here and there throughout my sessions as I have gone through this course and I can observe the complete transition in my kiddos! I really loved everything! I am so thankful for you both sharing your experiences! Especially with such a fresh SLPA like myself! If you are ever looking for a SLPA to hire! Let me know!"

"I had NO clue how to target speech sounds in play before this course. This course taught me various strategies to target sounds in play and I can't wait to see how it generalizes since it's much more natural than drilling picture cards! I loved everything about this course and have already started to implement themes in my therapy. It was super helpful to receive the handouts for specific themes with suggested books/toys/activities etc."
"One take away is how to use one toy/item/game to target multiple goals. I have struggled in the past with being creative and making anything into a therapy tool. I'm excited to use the toys I already have with multiple different goals on my caseload because now I feel like I don't have to continuously buy new items/toys to engage the students and target goals."
"I learned how to start using toys and activities in out-of-the-box ways. I tend to only play a game the way it's supposed to be played, which limits the games that are appropriate for my variety of students. Now I will be able to find ways to manipulate one or two games to use with my preschoolers-6th grade students! I loved both of your obvious passion for the material! I fed off your energy in each module and it made me more excited to try the new information I've learned when this upcoming school year starts!"

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